SPROUT Training Subcommittee
Name | Email Address | Unit |
Chair - SPA Training Coordinator - Amy Bane | barteram@msu.edu |
Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) |
Co-Chair - SPA Project Manager - Erin Schlicher | schlic11@osp.msu.edu |
Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) |
Laura Johnston | cooklau1@osp.msu.edu |
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) |
Meghan Cartwright | cartwr29@cga.msu.edu |
Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) |
Lori Bramble | bramble2@msu.edu |
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) |
Lynn Mande | mandelyn@msu.edu |
Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) |
Judy McMillan | mcmill12@ora.msu.edu |
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) |
Tara Miller | tacm@msu.edu |
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) |
Amy Olle | baileya8@msu.edu |
College of Education (COE) |
Jeannie Patrick | patric38@msu.edu |
College of Education (COE) |